In previous versions of ASP.NET MVC we have enable unobtrusive client side validation using JQuery in simple way by adding two keys in AppSettings of your config file: <configuration> <appSettings> <add key=”ClientValidationEnabled” value=”true” /> <add [Read More…]
If you want to use Aurelia framework inside ASP.NET 5 application you have a great tutorial from Scott Allen that will help you to jump start. When you finish configuring Aurelia app files to reside in [Read More…]
If you need to use LocalDb for integration testing your database with EntityFramework or some other ORM this article can help. First, you will need to create .NET core class library project to hold your [Read More…]
Currently in Visual Studio 2015 CTP 6 MSTests are not supported to test ASP.NET vNext projects. If you create MSTest project you are unable to add a reference to the ASP.NET vNext project. Microsoft will [Read More…]
For some projects where performance makes a difference we usually use classic ADO.NET approach instead of EntityFramework or some other modern way to communicate with the database. In this post I will try to explain [Read More…]
ASP.NET vNext has a new configuration system. With the new version of ASP.NET more than one file type is supported. Currently, there are 3 different file types that are supported: Json, Xml and Ini. For [Read More…]