Read Config file in ASP.NET 5
ASP.NET vNext has a new configuration system.
With the new version of ASP.NET more than one file type is supported.
Currently, there are 3 different file types that are supported: Json, Xml and Ini.
For example, we can define connection string in config.json file:
"Data": {
"DefaultConnection": {
"ConnectionString": "Server=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;Database=DbName;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true"
You can also get settings from Environment Variables.
To read connection string from config.json from any location in your app you need to add a reference to Microsoft.Framework.ConfigurationModel.Json.
Now simple import namespace and use code below to read connection string from config.json:
using Microsoft.Framework.ConfigurationModel.Json;
var configuration = new Configuration()
var connectionString = configuration.Get("Data:DefaultConnection:ConnectionString");
You can also load configuration from multiple different config files:
var configuration = new Configuration()
To use xml files you need to reference Microsoft.Framework.ConfigurationModel.Xml and for Ini Microsoft.Framework.ConfigurationModel.
Supporting multiple config files and reading values from config files has never been easier.
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Cesar Bludata
October 26, 2015 at 12:55 pm (9 years ago)Hello, I’m trying to use this, but I’m with some problem, I hope that you can help me 🙂
First, the namespace that I neet to put is “using Microsoft.Framework.ConfigurationModel;” without the “.Json” in the end. I tried with “.Json” but the method “Configuration” wasn’t found.
In my project.json file, I’ve both libs, “Microsoft.Framework.ConfigurationModel” and “Microsoft.Framework.ConfigurationModel.Json”.
After that “diference”, when the code is executed, I got an exception “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.” and the stack trace is:
at Microsoft.Framework.ConfigurationModel.PathResolver.get_ApplicationBaseDirectory()
at Microsoft.Framework.ConfigurationModel.JsonConfigurationExtension.AddJsonFile(IConfigurationSourceRoot configuration, String path, Boolean optional)
at Microsoft.Framework.ConfigurationModel.JsonConfigurationExtension.AddJsonFile(IConfigurationSourceRoot configuration, String path)
at Project.SharedKernel.MyConfigurations..cctor() in C:ProjectProject.SharedKernelMyConfigurations.cs:line 86
My class:
static CredinetConfigurations()
var configuration = new Configuration().AddJsonFile(“MyConfigurations.json”).AddEnvironmentVariables();
Radenko Zec
October 26, 2015 at 1:23 pm (9 years ago)Hi Cesar. This is old code based on beta 4 version of ASP.NET 5. Please try to find up-to date tutorials. Try to find solution here