Entity Framework and even classic ADO.NET is very slow when you need to perform a large number of inserts into the database. Calling 1000 times INSERT INTO is not efficient because for every INSERT operation, [Read More…]
Real world scenario When you start to build real world REST API you will surely try to limit access to you API. You can limit number of concurrent requests by using http://www.iis.net/download/dynamiciprestrictions or some other [Read More…]
Planning real world REST API When you try to plan how to build real world REST API like other major players like Facebook or Foursquare have you will soon realize that all major players use [Read More…]
Building real world REST API-s When you decide to build real world REST API-s like Facebook or Foursquare and many others have you must think on lot of things such as security, scoping, throttling and [Read More…]
Recently I have been playing with Rik Robinson’s project called Silverlight 2 Scroller. You can read more about this control on this address : http://www.wintellect.com/CS/blogs/rrobinson/archive/2009/01/22/yngwie-malmsteen-syndrome-silverlight-2-scroller-revisited.aspx After looking at ItemsControl I have realize that you probobly [Read More…]
I am currently preparing ado.net 3.5 course so I try to throw SqlException in one of my examples and realize that SqlException class is sealed and has no public constructor. I have found solution on [Read More…]
Last week I have been started to read about full duplex wcf and his implementation in silverlight applications.I have read tons of articles on MSDN and tons of blog and forum posts. Recently I have [Read More…]
In this article I will explain how to implement MVVM pattern in Silverlight. I was very overjoyed when I was reading my friends article on Codeproject about MVVM pattern in WPF . You can check [Read More…]
This article will explain you how to modify default silverlight datagrid control look. In this example I have created new silverlight application project and add datagrid control in xaml file.I have also created small class [Read More…]
Silverlight 2 has build in support for fullscreen mode.This feature can be very interested for building same online game solution or some cool video players or …When we enter to this fullscreen mode everything is [Read More…]